Decorative plaster "Bark": Wall finishing technology for the house (160+ Photos)

It was not for nothing that decorative plaster walls for the house “Koroed” gained popularity among builders. Due to its clear textured pattern, an unlimited number of options for colors, shades, due to the play of light and shade in the grooves, designers use it not only for plastering facades of buildings, but also for finishing rooms.


Before deciding on plastering you should know that “Bark beetles "are on various grounds:

  • cement with polymer additives and stabilizers;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate (liquid glass).

Bark beetles have different bases

Bark beetles have different bases

Manufacturers provide a choice of dry or ready-made mixtures in buckets with pellet diameters from 1 to 3.5 mm. "Bark beetle" on the basis of cement can be used not only for facades, but also for decorative works inside buildings. He has a number of advantages to which attention should be paid:

  • durable, resistant to mechanical stress;
  • frost-resistant;
  • not afraid of water, snow, hail;
  • inexpensive.

The material has many advantages.

The material has many advantages.

Disadvantage: dust accumulates in the grooves. Because of this facade loses attractiveness. But it can be washed without fear of damaging or washing off the paint.

Due to its small thickness, low weight, it can be applied to any base, even on polystyrene plates. Let's consider the options and methods of applying this finishing material on the facades of buildings.

The larger the size of the granules, the greater the amount of plaster mixture needed per square meter.

Exterior wall decoration

Plaster mix is ​​intended for finishing of such surfaces:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • concrete;
  • old plaster.

Easy to apply on different surfaces.

Easy to apply on different surfaces.

It is also used for finishing insulation layers of mineral, basalt wool, polystyrene foam plates on the reinforcing mesh. The only condition for high-quality finish is a flat surface. Any indentations and irregularities will not allow to apply decorative grooves to the surface.

There are some nuances of staining, which will be discussed below.

What is better, to paint the entire solution at once or to paint the plastered wall with paints?

When planning decorative works it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Add color directly to the solution can only be in the polymer compositions.Bark beetle based on white cement is better to paint with water-based or acrylic paints after complete hardening. Theoretically, the first method is better. Once plastered and forgotten. But not so easy.

The subtleties of choosing color

The subtleties of choosing color

If you need to immediately paint 4-5 bags of the mixture for finishing the facade, what size do you need the dishes and where to get it? This can afford only large construction companies with appropriate equipment. The second problem: how to calculate the exact amount of the solution? What happens if one bucket is not enough? To guess the exact shade directly on the construction site is impossible. There is a risk to leave a stain on the facade for many years.

In most cases, plastered walls are painted with water-based paints after curing. Economically it is justified.
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Surface preparation

Preparation of stone, concrete, brick, other surfaces for finishing is required and requires careful execution. To do this, it is cleaned of dust, oil stains, make jointing cracks, they are filled with cement (for exterior) or plaster solution for interior work. Particular attention should be paid to the search for exfoliated old plaster. Such places must be removed and plastered again. HSurface finish can be done:

  • manually with metal brushes;
  • brushes mounted on a drill or grinder;
  • sandblaster.

Clean the surface before work

Clean the surface before work

If the brick, stone, concrete walls, old with shells with a depth of more than 3 cm, then a reinforcing mesh is tied to the surface. It is plastered with cement mortar, leveled, plastered, ground.

Tips experienced:

  • If an oil stain appeared on the wall and it penetrated shallowly, it can be removed with a 3% solution of sulfuric acid. This is an ordinary electrolyte for pouring batteries. You can buy it in the auto parts store. When dilution is necessary to pour the electrolyte into the water, and not vice versa! If confused, sulfuric acid may boil with spraying. This operation is best done with glasses;
  • primer for painting required. If this is not done, paint overrun is inevitable.

For need walls plaster cement mortar

For need walls plaster cement mortar

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How to remove the old plaster?

Delete old plaster it is necessary only in the case of poor adhesion to the base. You should make sure exactly what kind of plaster: cement or lime? Lime must be removed without regret. If the cement holds tight, you should not remove it.

Removing old plaster

Removing old plaster

The board
Check the quality by lightly tapping the wall with a hammer. If the sound is deaf, then the layer is behind the brick base and will fall off over time. Such areas must be removed, plastered again.

Plaster is removed in two ways:

  • manually chisel, hammer, cycle, trowel;
  • mechanical perforator or grinder with a diamond wheel.

We resort to the help of the perforator

We resort to the help of the perforator

In both cases, you need to get to the base. The final stage is cleaning with metal brushes by hand or grinder, removing dust with a wet cloth or vacuum cleaner.

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Plaster mix Bark

Before starting plastering work, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of manufacturers for the preparation of the mortar. Pay attention to the duration of vitality. That is, how long the solution will be plastic and workable. Note that the recommendations indicate the approximate amount of water per kilogram of solution. Each batch may have some difference in the amount of water in one direction or another. Before starting work, it is necessary to make a small amount of the solution a multiple kilogram and weigh the amount of water.

The mixture must be stirred with a low-speed mixer or a drill with a speed controller. After the first stirring, it is necessary to leave it for 5 minutes to stabilize and stir again. Stir the mixture in such portions so that you can fully use it.

Stir to the desired consistency.

Stir to the desired consistency.

In most cases, the survival time is about 3 hours. In order not to be mistaken with the amount of solution and not to make too much, measure how much it should be at 1 m2 or how many square meters you can plaster one bucket.

If the area is large, you will have to use several people. The iron rule of plasterers: one wall must start and finish without interruption.

The board
When calculating the amount of the mixture, be guided by the manufacturer's data, but be sure to add 5-10% as a reserve.
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Technology of applying facade plaster

In the application technology is nothing complicated. Marble granules themselves will regulate the thickness of the application. For application, you must have:

  • stainless steel trowel or spatula;
  • plastic grater

Choosing material for work

Choosing material for work

When applying the solution, the metal grater should be held at an angle of about 45 degrees. Each master chooses for himself the angle of inclination.


  • the mortar should have a consistency so that it does not crawl off the float;
  • apply the solution without effort;
  • do not take breaks until you cover the whole wall with the mixture;
  • From time to time, check the mixture is ready for the indentations with a plastic trowel of granules.

Drying time of plaster mixture for at least two days.

After applying, let dry

After applying, let dry

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Getting different effects

When the plaster decorative mixture begins to dry, you can take up drawing the picture. Risks are applied vertically, horizontally, at an angle or in circular zigzag movements trying to achieve similarities with the bark beetle moves in the tree.


  • if you started to make vertical stripes from top to bottom, then you cannot reverse the direction from bottom to top;
  • the same applies to horizontal, circular and zigzag movements.

In no case do not change the direction

In no case do not change the direction

It is possible to begin drawing drawing only after drying. It is difficult to determine how much time is needed up to a minute. But there is one nuance. When the mixture dries it decreases in volume, and small granules protrude above the plane. As soon as the grout stops clinging its sole to the entire surface, you can begin.

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"Jets of rain"

This is the easiest, but effective way of applying the picture on the facade. It is made by vertical grater slides from top to bottom. "The length of the jets" is regulated by the plasterer. Here it is necessary to adhere to strictly vertical movements.

Way vertical rain

Way "Vertical Rain"

The higher the house, the larger the granules.

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"Slant rain"

These are the same "Jets of rain" only at a certain angle. This effect is more complicated than the previous one because one must strictly adhere to the chosen angle once.

Oblique rain method

The method of "slanting rain"

Before you start using this effect, you must first try on a separate surface to determine whether this method of decorating is suitable for your object or not.

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"Bark Beetle"

This is the easiest effect, it is not difficult to perform. To do this, move the plastic grater chaotically in all directions.

Achieve effect with grout

Achieve effect with grout

For home, you should not take a mixture with granules less than 3 mm. Too small granules will not give a good visual effect at height. Grooves will be slightly noticeable.

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"Horizontal bark beetle"

Although these effects are best suited for interior work, but for the implementation of design ideas are appropriate.

Horizontal option

Horizontal option

When using this effect, the main condition is not strongly deviate from the horizontal.

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Two-colored bark beetle

This is a more complicated and expensive way to apply the plaster in two shades. There are two ways to achieve this effect.

The first. Adding color to the solution and preparing the colored base in the first stage. The next step is to paint the protruding planes in a different color with a short-nap roller.
The second way is to first paint the entire wall with a long-nap roller. It is necessary to ensure that all the grooves (paths of the woodcutter) are painted. At the second stage, protruding planes are painted with a roller with a short nap.
Use of two-colored bark beetle

Use of two-colored bark beetle

Thus the grooves will be one shade, and the overall tone of the other.

For the decoration of the facade of the house from the outside, the Bark Beetle fits perfectly. It should be noted that when selecting shades for coloring there is a rule. Flowers should use no more than three. In exceptional cases, four. And the fourth shade should be no more than 5%. This may be window frames, protective strips on the roof.

The foundation must be in harmony with the roof. If you can not find a suitable color of the foundation that matches the roof, then use contrasting or neutral colors.
Harmony of the foundation and roof

Harmony of the foundation and roof

His majesty neutral gray color is in harmony with almost all shades. See how the color scheme is chosen for the decoration of the walls of a residential building.

Pay attention to the almost complete coincidence of the shades of the foundation with the roof. Painting the walls in white and light green.

Classic design in three colors

Classic design in three colors

Options for the selection of decorative solutions very much. After finishing the finishing works, soak the facade with a water-repellent compound. This procedure will protect the walls from the damaging effects of moisture and low temperatures for many years.

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Interior decoration of the house

For interior decoration designers are looking for new ideas. "Bark" is a textured plaster, characterized in that it:

  • has a non-repetitive textured pattern;
  • strong, durable;
  • may be repainted with different colors many times.

Great resistance to abrasion, the ability to wash the walls from pollution makes its use in rooms with a large number of visitors quite justified. Small pebbles of the same diameter create bizarre, non-repeatable grooves.

Interesting idea for interior decoration

Interesting idea for interior decoration

Decorative plaster stone perfectly combined with wood and plasterboard. Small sections of the wall or a fully plastered room "Bark" is practical and modern. The use of matte paints, coloring in two colors, create an imitation of the bark of different species of wood. Acrylic or plaster compositions are suitable for decorating a bedroom, bath, nursery or living room.

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Special features

For domestic use, the industry offers ready-made mixtures:

  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • polymer cement.

Only polymer cement compositions are sold in dry form. They must be prepared before use. For this you need a low-speed mixer, a bucket, and water. The main condition for high-quality plaster is a clean and flat wall. You need a stainless steel trowel and plastic grout.

It is important that the wall is flat

It is important that the wall is flat

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Hallway decoration

To create a unique interior does not necessarily plaster the entire room. It is enough to select one or more walls. In order for the room to look aesthetically pleasing it is necessary to remember that the “Bark Beetle” does not fit every style. For a small hallway, the following should be taken into account: the vertical stripes make the room higher and the horizontal ones lower.

The board
When picking flowers, try to use no more than three. Hallway is the place where guests get. In most cases, it does not shine with large areas and natural light. Therefore, when making the hallway It is recommended to use warm pastel colors: beige, light brown, light orange.
Try to choose not too bright colors.

Try to choose not too bright colors.

Loft styling

This style of design rooms seems primitive, but at the cost of registration it is one of the most expensive. The larger the room resembles a workshop or utility room, the steeper the design. The texture of the wall with deep grooves is the thing that the Loft lacks.

A room that looks more like utility room

A room that looks more like utility room

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Bathroom finish

This plaster mixture is very resistant to wet conditions and its use for the design of the bathroom is fully justified. But it should be remembered that the “Bark Beetle” is not a ceramic tile. The bathroom should have good ventilation. Walls should be completely dry after wetting.

The successful combination of colors for the bathroom

The successful combination of colors for the bathroom

When plastering, consider the material of the base of the walls: stone, concrete, brick or drywall. If the walls are plasterboard, they must first be plastered with cement mortar on the reinforcing mesh. In the bathroom a lot of plumbing fixtures chrome or nickel. Therefore, Techno style is best suited. The walls are covered with two tones with the use of metallic shades emphasize the style of Techno in the bathroom.

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Bark beetle in the bedroom

In order to make the original design of the bedroom is enough to plaster one of the walls of the bedroom in a minimalist style.

Minimalist style for the bedroom

Minimalist style for the bedroom

The board
To finish the rooms inside the building, it is recommended to use acrylic, silicone or silicate plasters, which are ready to use immediately in buckets. You just need to add color and stir gently.

Silicone is the most expensive, but its performance level off a high price.. After drying, the surface becomes shiny and will last more than a dozen years.

Chalet style bedroom

Unusual, practical and affordable

Unusual, practical and affordable

To decorate a bedroom in rustic style, it is enough to arrange one wall with a textured layer. Bark beetle in this case will be very helpful.

For a rustic style inherent:

  • a lot of wood;
  • stone;
  • textured plaster;
  • fireplace.

It is interesting to see a wall of stone blocks near the fireplace, the surface of which has been eaten away by a bark beetle.. Local illumination of the surface will cast fancy shadows, emphasizing the relief structure.

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In the living room

The living room is the central room in the house. Here the family gathers for the holidays, receive guests. This room should be the pride of the owners. Smooth, white walls are no longer in vogue. The textured surface of the walls will help bring a zest to the room design.

Zest in the design of the living room

Zest in the design of the living room

Pay attention to the use of local lighting in order to focus on the plastered wall. The living room should have a festive look so it is recommended to paint it in two colors. When painting can be two options: the base color is light or dark. It all depends on taste. The second color should be contrast to the first.

The board
To focus guests on any art object, issue a small mural in the center of the wall. Here you can hang a bright picture or a photograph and a living room in the style Art Deco is ready.
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Examples of small and large rooms

Stucco bark beetle in the corridor also has the right to exist. The corridors in the apartments are not very wide. Sometimes it is difficult to warm up to two family members in a narrow space. There is always the risk of rubbing against the wall. The bark beetle is so strong that for him repeated touch or how much.

The board
To maintain this small room in a constantly fresh form, leave a certain amount of paint after finishing and from time to time paint the worn areas on the walls.
Staircase decoration

Staircase decoration

This is the structure obtained by combining horizontal and vertical movements. For a brighter effect, you must use a mixture with a filler with a diameter of at least 3.5 mm.

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The role of lighting to enhance decorative effects

Applying the "Bark beetle" to decorate walls, no matter where it is outside or inside, you should not forget about lighting. Lighting happens:

  • general (chandelier in the living room);
  • local (floor lamps, sconces);
  • accent (swivel lamps, focusing on the object).

Applying the lower light from the lamps located on the floor can achieve a two-level illumination of the object of interest.

Illumination of niches and openings plastered by bark beetle allows you to select the opening and add volume in the room. Hidden light, illuminating an interesting art object adds a mystery to the design.

Some tips:

  • to increase the volume of the room direct the light from the lamps to the walls;
  • to make the ceiling higher, remove the chandelier from the center of the room, and place the lamps around the perimeter;
  • the use of sconces adds volume to the room;

Add room volume due to lighting

Add room volume due to lighting

Using lighting to create an original design, you can hide flaws, expand or reduce the size of the room, concentrate on the important objects for the owners:

  • Photo;
  • paintings;
  • vases;
  • objects of antiquity.

Lighting is a powerful design tool to make a stylish interior, without resorting to overhaul for little money.

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The combination of colors in the interior

The fact that color affects mood, physiological functions of a person is proved by scientific research. Before you begin to plaster the rooms with the Bark Beetle, it is necessary to take into account the color effect of the furniture and other objects in the room. Of course, personal taste preferences will play a major role, but the advice of scientists should also not be neglected. This issue has been studied for a long time; there are special color combination tables for designers.

Shade table

Shade table

The first color is dominant, and the rest are complementary, harmoniously combined with the main one.

Textured plaster in its appearance resembles a stone, so designers use it in those styles where stone materials are required.

The presence of various colors gives designers a wide range of possibilities for applying textured plaster mixtures under the stone. Glitter mica is added to the mixture to increase the decorative effect. The indentations left over from the “bark beetle activity” are painted over with different colors in order to achieve new effects.

Decorative Stuff

Stylish options

8.4 Total Score
Plaster Bark Bark - quickly and beautifully

The bark beetle plaster is very light and picky to use. Get acquainted closer, you really understand that you made the right choice. Using colors, you will achieve such colors, combinations of which can become a bright accent not only for any facade, but also for the design of any room. After reviewing the information, please leave your comments with arguments in the comments. They will be useful to other readers. Your opinion is very important to us. Thank you for your participation. We appreciate your every review and your time.

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  • Plaster can be repainted many times without sacrificing quality, which you cannot afford with some types of wallpaper.
  • It is durable and so strong that the cost of its use divided by years of impeccable service will be more than repaid in the future.
  • It fits many design styles.
  • It is so strong that it will not be possible to remove the “Bark Beetle” from the wall without a perforator.
  • It is impossible to change the design of the room without major repairs.
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